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Statement is a record that proves the truthfulness of the Claim using user's cryptographic Signatures. On Anagolay every Statement is the product of a transparent process we call Workflow. At this time we support two types of statements, Copyright and Ownership, more will be added when we see the need for it and practical usecase. The types are part of the network and cannot be deleted, updated or removed by users or validators.


Each statement is defined by combining the Claim and the Signatures. The Claim contains the data and the rights about a subject in question while the Signatures contain the signed data which only the holder and issuer can reproduce giving them ultimate assurance of the validity and responsability for the Claim.

The signatures.holder is the record that links the user to a Claim, in a way that the sig field value is the result of signing the claim field with the sigKey private key. The cid field is the Content Address of the sig field and it is used for indexing and quick validation without knowing the actual signature.

The signatures.sigKey is a public key fingerprint and publicly available to everyone to verify the validity of the signature. This way the user is responsible to keep the sigKey private key always safe and secure, because without it the user cannot recreate the signature when asked to verify the truthfulness of this Claim, namely on the Court or in a dispute over the rights of the Subject of the Claim.

The signatures.issuer is the record that links the user or service to the holder of the Claim. Whoever is in this field holds huge responsibility of the Statement validity, because this is the user/account/service that verifies the implemented process and that the information which is signed by both parties is TRUE and irrefutable. Issuers must be publicly known and they stake their reputation and their utility token (AGY/IDI).

For the time being anyone can be an issuer, but in the future that will be changed to a similar way how validators work.


Being an issuer is a huge risk to your name and respactability on the network. If the issuer issues the wrong records them and all who back them are slashed and they lose the respactability which has a serious repercussions like not being able to sell/buy/rent/license any of the digital or physical media on the chain.


Statement Example from the chain:

statement: {
id: "bafy2bzacecucql3wnplymdxesbrriwev3n4jyftzrjckx6wufdrbxxhupvpds",
data: {
signatures: {
holder: {
sigKey: "urn:pgp:d6055d4aa2995dd0",
sig: "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----rnVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.10.9rnComment: https://openpgpjs.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rn=pa7mrn-----END PGP MESSAGE-----rn",
cid: "bafy2bzacedr7dikwmxrbggt73dflc743rs7eiyuflfrk7eues5277e2klxyji"
issuer: {
sigKey: "urn:substrate:5GoNkf6WdbxCFnPdAnYYQyCjAKPJgLNxXwPjwTh6DGg6gN3E",
sig: "0x400cf5e8d030569496c05b4b4352b11139bad545cd87a8a7b06c94dfbe4528ad9ac4cba0b60f7117545e65cb19251cd403205cba7e3d8c96cb29b10ef7670e04",
cid: "bafy2bzacedmbmagmy34xuohghted2hhmfp32pqxfztom4g3766svclnu7xohw"
claim: {
prevId: null,
poeId: "bafy2bzaceawyw3giryoht674diq7npn6vndl7bcyygzrffshbutcjlqp5wzna",
workflowId: "bafy2bzacea4vzgbdljfmmcws7dtdtp2ekabp2q3rx53or33pfrkbr5ezb25g4",
proportion: {
sign: "%",
name: "percent",
value: 100
subjectId: "bafy2bzaceawyw3giryoht674diq7npn6vndl7bcyygzrffshbutcjlqp5wzna",
holder: "did:substrate:5HnKtosumdYfHSifYKBHhNmoXvhDANCU8j8v7tc4p4pY7MMP/sensio-network",
issuer: "did:substrate:5HBr9dSKkTjWr5XL7ZHGjQLgxf1ndfin7ERnJd1hN2P7xjTx/sensio-network",
claimType: COPYRIGHT,
valid: {
from: 1613676371567,
until: null
expiration: {
expirationType: FOREVER,
value: null
onExpiration: null
accountId: "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
blockNumber: 416,176

Typescript interface:

interface Proportion {
sign: string; // %
name: string; // percentage
value: string; // 100

interface Validity {
/// When the validity starts, this should be DATE_TIME
from: string;
/// When validity ends, this is calculate Validity.from + Expiration.value
until: string;

enum ExpirationType {

interface Expiration {
/// Proportion sign, can be %
expirationType: ExpirationType;
/// How long is the expiration, if ExpirationType::FOREVER then this is empty
value: string;

enum AnagolayClaimType {

interface StatementInfo {
statement: {
// this is the CID(data)
id: GenericId;
data: {
signatures: {
holder: {
/// signing key in urn/did format 'urn:pgp:9cdf8dd38531511968c8d8cb524036585b62f15b'
sigKey: string;
/// Signature sign(prepared_statement, pvtKey(sigKey)) and encoded using multibase
sig: string;
/// Content identifier of the sig field -- CID(sig)
cid: GenericId;
issuer: {
/// signing key in urn/did format 'urn:pgp:9cdf8dd38531511968c8d8cb524036585b62f15b'
sigKey: string;
/// Signature sign(prepared_statement, pvtKey(sigKey)) and encoded using multibase
sig: string;
/// Content identifier of the sig field -- CID(sig)
cid: GenericId;
claim: {
/// Prev Anagolay Statement id in case this statement is revoked or changed
prevId: GenericId;
/// PoE id of the record in question.
poeId: GenericId;
/// Implemented workflow
workflowId: GenericId;
/// In which proportion the statement is held
proportion: Proportion;
/// ATM this is the same as poeId @TODO this should be unique representation of the subject that is NOT poe
subjectId: GenericId;
/// ATM this is the did representation of the substrate based account in format 'did:substrate:5EJA1oSrTx7xYMBerrUHLNktA3P89YHJBeTrevotTQab6gEY/sensio-network', @NOTE this is part of the SENSIO ID which will come later this year
holder: CreatorId;
/// ATM this is the did representation of the substrate based account in format 'did:substrate:Hcd78R7frJfUZHsqgpPEBLeiCZxV29uyyyURaPxB71ojNjy/sensio-network', @NOTE this is part of the SENSIO ID which will come later this year
issuer: string;
/// Generic type, ATM is Copyright or Ownership
claimType: AnagolayClaimType;
/// How long this statement is valid
valid: Validity;
/// Setting when the statement should end
expiration: Expiration;
/// What happens after the expiration? this is default workflow or smart contract that automatically does stuff, like move it to the public domain, transfer to relatives etc... need better definition
onExpiration: string;
accountId: string;
blockNumber: number;


Claim is a factually-oriented proposition that describes the subject Right using the claimType. An example of the Claim is when person claims the Copyright or Ownership of particular item and it can back it up with enough evidence ( proofs ). Together with Signatures they form the legally valid Statement.


Signatures is the structure of holder and issuer Signature interfaces. Together they confirm and bind the claim to be seen, verified and valid.

On Anagolay Copyright statement is a exclusive right that holder claims over a subject in question.


On Anagolay Ownership statement is a exclusive right that holder claims over a subject in question.


On Anagolay network ALL properties that end with id are Content Addresses of the corresponding content parameter. On the high level definition the id is the CID of the data and for the signatures the cid is the CID of the sig property.

All other properties are identifiers that need to be put in the respective context. For example the sigKey is the URN based identifier of the public key and its value is the PK fingerprint.

Integration with verification palletā€‹

At the moment the Statement is created, the Proofs contained in the Claim are verified against their VerificationContext to make sure the Claim is actually supported by valid proofs. If they are result of a Verification process, they were created on-chain and their id to use for the Claim must be retrieved by querying the ProofIdsByVerificationContext storage:

Statement creationAliceOnChainVerificationSuccessfulquery ProofIdsByVerificationContextVec<ProofId>create and sign the Claim using the ProofIdcreate_ownership()OwnershipCreatedAliceOnChainStatement creation

On the contrary, if they where created off-chain (and stored using poe pallet create_proof extrinsic) their VerificationContext is Unbounded and this means that no validation is performed.
