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Proof of Existence


Proof of Existence


The proof is sufficient evidence or a sufficient argument for the truth of a proposition.


Is a structured final output of the Workflow. Each proof is different in a few aspects and similar in others.

Proof params is the collection of the operation outputs mapped via operation name. A proofId will always be different for different data, but not the proof params. That's because the proof params are controlled completely by the rule definition and its operations.

Invalidations / Replacing / Updatesā€‹

We can invalidate the proof by generating a new one and setting the prev field to the previous proofId we want to invalidate. In order to get the last proof which is also the valid one we must look for the proof that is not linked to any other proof, in other words where current.proofId does not exist in the anyProof.prev field.

Generic structure:

// Generic Proof
interface Proof {
id: GenericId;
data: {
workflowId: GenericId;
prev: GenericId;
creator: CreatorId;
forWhat: ForWhat;
params: string[];
context: VerificationContext;

Integration with verification palletā€‹

The verification pallet is intended to be used by the substrate community; however, the statements and poe pallets are modified to integrate these previous verification steps and to allow the holder of a successful verification request to produce a Statement of ownership out of the verification result.

At the moment the verification key is produced, a PoeVerificationKeyGenerator is called. This is loosely coupled with the proofs pallet to allow the creation of proofs associated to the VerificationContext.

Infact the proof contains a VerificationContext that tells how the proof was generated; in case it was generated off-chain and no context is verifiable, the context field contains the value Unbounded.

Proof generation

PoeVerificationKeyGenerator is implementing verification pallet VerificationKeyGenerator and uses an Anagolay workflow to produce a CID out of the identifier given as input. Then, it stores a Proof containing the Verification key in ProofByProofIdAndAccountId and ProofIdsByVerificationContext.

ProofIdsByVerificationContext storage indexes Vec<ProofId> values by VerificationContext keys: this can be performantly queried. The values are collections coherently with the fact that an Anagolay Workflow can generate multiple proofs for a subject.